Myers Cocktail

Myer’s Cocktail

Myer's Cocktail consists of Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex, B12, B5, B6, Calcium, Magnesium and trace minerals

Your body's adrenal glands require Vitamin C, B-vitamins, Zinc and Magnesium for optimal function. The highest concentrations of Vitamin C in the entire body are located in the adrenal glands. As the body does not produce vitamin C, it depends on one's dietary intake. A diet low or deficient in vitamin C can negatively impact proper functioning of the adrenal glands.

A Myer’s Cocktail infusion is a concoction made up of high Vitamin C, B-vitamins and minerals, giving the the adrenal glands essential nutrients and can be helpful in treating the following: adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, acute and chronic infections, lowered immune function, chronic inflammatory syndromes.

This IV vitamin and mineral therapy was developed in the 1970’s by John Myers, M.D., a physician at Johns Hopkins University. He discovered that it helped many common conditions among his patients. This specific IV produces almost instant results leading to an increase in energy, boosted immunity and overall wellness.

The “cocktail” is used for:

Acute or chronic fatigue

Feeling “rundown” or depleted feeling

Infections, upper respiratory or flu-like illnesses

Decreased immunity

Chronic disease states that deplete energy and immune function


Senile dementia and more

Muscle soreness and spasms






Congestive heart failure

Angina (chest pain)